The 14th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems
The 14th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA symposium on Analysis Design and Evaluation of Human – Machine Systems (HMS 2019), that was held in Park Inn Radisson Meriton Conference and SPA hotel, Tallinn, Estonia, September 16-19, 2019 has successfully ended.
Award Winners
The Best Paper Award Committee - Prof. Tetsuo Sawaragi, Prof. Frédéric Vanderhaegen, Prof. Jianhua Zhang, Dr. Ken-ichi Tanaka, Dr. Leonidas Tsiopoulos, Dr. Sven Nõmm - decided that the Best Paper Award will go to
Mareijn Willems, Daan Marinus Pool, Kasper van der El, Herman J. Damveld, Rene van Paassen, Max Mulder
for the paper entitled "Analysis of Human Skill Development in Manual Ramp-Tracking Tasks"
The IFAC Young Author Award went to Husam Muslim for the paper entitled
"Trust and Acceptance of Adaptive and Conventional Collision Avoidance Systems" by Husam Muslim and Makoto Itoh
Prof. Jianhua Zhang, Dr. Sven Nõmm, Daan Marinus Pool, Max Mulder Husam Muslim, Prof. Jianhua ZhangNext HMS Symposium
The 15th IFAC HMS Symposium will take place in 2022 in San Jose, California.
The objective of the symposium is to provide an international forum for the latest scientific and technological achievements in Human-Machine Systems research. The symposium aims to bring together researchers working in this field and provide them with opportunities to exchange ideas, overview achieved results and develop the vision for future research. The role of human is important in a wide-range of applications in the domains of intelligent and autonomous systems, autonomous cars, robotics, virtual reality, health-care, etc., requiring advanced solutions for efficient and safe human-machine interaction.
During the last twenty-five years Estonia has experienced rapid technological development and now is one of the leading countries in such areas like e-government, cyber-security and e-medicine. All these areas rely heavily on human-machine interaction technologies and they are set as main themes of this symposium together with the established themes of previous IFAC HMS symposiums. Industry tracks and panel discussions are planned to share and discuss leading edge solutions developed and applied in the areas of
Analysis, design and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems
Remote, Network and Internet Systems
Human/Human Aspects of Human-Machine Systems
Application Domains of Human –Machine SystemsPrevious, the 13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium HMS 2016 was held in Kyoto from Aug 30th, 2016 through Sep 2nd, 2016.
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